MPG Media is proud to be a preferred vendor of Carrier Dealers, and is dedicated to providing you with strategic solutions that drive tangible results for your HVAC business.

Some partnership benefits:

Access to industry experts to help with all of you advertising needs

No agency commissions

Special campaign discounts
Call us today to speak with our partnership representative

Michael Miller
HVAC Provider -
Average Return on Ad Spend
A residential HVAC provider was searching for new and effective ways to grow their business within an underperforming market.
Using an address list of past customers provided by the client, we identified the immediate neighbors of past customers and served them with ads promoting products and services their neighbors used. We also identified and served new movers into this market and served them informative ads about their new residence. These educational ads alert homeowners to issues they were likely to encounter and provided a quick solution by directing them to the client’s website. Using past customer sales in this area, we were able to tailor the messaging materials to speak directly to the most likely needs of residents. We also used our geo-framing technology to serve ads to consumers promoting the value proposition of the client.
- 19:1 Average Campaign Return On Ad Spend
- Influenced over $510,000 in revenue over the life of the campaign
- Approximately 37% of all jobs were influenced by the campaign during the active period
- ROI By Audience: New Movers, 14:1 Neighbors, 21:1

We take the addresses of your past customers and serves their physical neighbors with digital ads for your store. This is the most efficient way to target a demographically similar audience to your current customer.

Most new home purchase decisions are made in the 30-day window before and after moving. We have a live feed of data that connects you to New Movers within hours of them moving in.